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职      称:新体制特聘研究员(预聘制副教授),博导      
邮      箱:zhangkai@bit.edu.cn
邮      编:100081


  2005.9-2011.7,  博士,北京大学,固体力学专业

  2010.2-2011.11  联合培养博士,英国卡迪夫大学,固体力学专业

  2001.9-2005.7,  学士,东北大学,工程力学专业


  2011年8月至今     必赢bwin线路检测中心,必赢线路检测3003no1力学系

  2016年12月至今    美国麻省理工学院,机械工程系 访问学者





  全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖, 2013


  北京大学优秀博士论文, 2011

  教育部学术新人奖, 2010





1. Yan D, Huangfu  D, Zhang K*, & Hu G, Wrinkling of the membrane with square rigid elements Europhysics Letters, 2016, 116,24005.

2. Wang Ziwei, Zhang Q, Zhang K*, & Hu G, Tunable digital metamaterial for broadband vibration isolation at low frequency,Advanced Materials, 2016, 28, 9857-9861.

3. Yan D, Zhang K*, & Hu G, Wrinkling of structured thin films via Contrasted materials, Soft matter, 2016. 12: 3937-3942.

4. Zhang Q, Zhang K* & Hu G, Smart three-dimensional lightweight structure triggered from a thin composite sheet via 3D printing technique, Scientific reports, 2016. 6: 22431.

5. Zhang Q, Yan D, Zhang K* & Hu G, Pattern transformation of heat-shrinkable polymer by three-dimensional (3D) printing technique, Scientific reports, 2015. 5: 8936.

6. Yan D, Zhang K*, Peng F & Hu G, Tailoring the wrinkle pattern of a microstructured membrane, Applied Physics Letters,2014. 105: 071905.

7. Karihaloo B, Zhang K & Wang J. Honeybee combs: How the circular cells transform into rounded hexagons . Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2013. 10: 20130299. (Reported by NatureDiscovery News, Livescience (New York), ABC Science, Huffington Post, Futurity, Sydney Morning Herald)

8. Yan D, Liu C, Tian Q, Zhang K, Liu XN & Hu G, A new curved gradient deficient shell element of absolute nodal coordinate formulation for modeling thin shell structures, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013,74: 153-164.

9. Zhang K, Zhao XW, Duan HL, Karihaloo BL & Wang J, Pattern transformations in periodic cellular solids under external stimuli. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011. 109: 084907.

10. Zhang K, Duan HL, Karihaloo BL & Wang J, Hierarchical, multilayered cell walls reinforced by recycled silk cocoons enhance the structural integrity of honeybee combs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010. 107: 9502-9506. (Highlighted paper: “Natural Honeycombs Are An Engineering Feat”) 

11. Zhang K, Han T, Duan HL & Wang J, A theoretical study of possible shape and phase changes of carbon nanotube crystals during contraction and expansion. Carbon, 2010. 48: 2948-2952. 

12. Zhang K, Si F W, Duan HL & Wang J, Microstructures and mechanical properties of silks of silkworm and honeybee. Acta Biomaterialia, 2010. 6: 2165-2171.

13. Zhao XW, Zhang K, Wang J & Duan HL, Structural transformation of single wall carbon nanotube bundles under pressure.Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2010. 15: 744-754.